Scotland's Best B&Bs
Our website is as unique as our B&Bs. You will see that many of the images we have used throughout the site have been provided by our members up and down the country. This is the Scotland we live in every day and the one we want to share with you.
When redesigning our website we decided that there was no one more qualified to capture the beauty of Scotland, than the owners of our B&Bs. They have chosen to live in some of the most picturesque and historic parts of the country and each has produced wonderful pictures of their area and beyond. We hope you will enjoy their personal photographs around the website and maybe, they will inspire you to visit one of our B&Bs on your next trip to Scotland.
The images on this site have been provided with the kind permission of our member B&Bs for the use of Scotland's Best B&Bs Only. The copyright of the images remains the property of the B&B that supplied them and any use outside of this site is strictly prohibited without their express permission. Should you wish to use any of the imagery on this site, please contact the site administrator who will pass your request to the B&B concerned. Emails should be sent to [email protected]
If you would like to learn more about any particular picture, just hover over it and a description will appear; or, click on the picture to see a larger gallery image and a description will be in the bottom left hand corner of the picture. If you would like to learn more about the B&B that provided the picture, just use the Search function and type in the name of the B&B concerned.
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